10 Please don'ts for Blogger bloggers
- Please don't remove the NavBar. Yeah, it doesn't really look good, but you get what you pay for (which is nothing, for this case). Removing the piece of code is easy, and although it's against the rules of service, Google doesn't seem to care, for there are many blogs that's removed the bar. But I do care. I usually hop through blogs via the "Next Blog" button. And when you "hack" the template and get rid of the bar, well, I'm ever more inclined to hit the back button and hop elsewhere.
- Please don't make me wait for your 1200 x 1500 background / header image to load. Because I won't.
- Actually, please don't make me wait for anything to get loaded. Not a fancy menu, not a cute slideshow, not the analogue clock script at the top of your sidebar. You know what, if I wanted to check the time, I could just look at my watch. If I arrived at your blog, chances are I'm more interested in what you might have to say, rather than to figure out what time it is (let alone waiting half a minute to see the clock magically appear).
- Please don't put up a blog named with a combination of the words (bikini, models, beach, hot). Chances are all those blogs are launched by the same person (or gang), but anyway, I'm just so sick of it. Splogs are always a pain in the ass, but there seems to be so many "hot beach bikini model" blogs around nowadays.
- Please don't just link to all the top stories, and expect me to subscribe to your blog. That's not blogging. If I wanted to read the news, I could use a news site. You're just linking back to them, anyway. When your blog comes up on my screen, you have a chance to tell me what you think about the news. If you just ditto the media, I'm not really interested.
- Please don't blog about how to make money. Or any sorts, including stock tips, forex trading, or building an adsense empire. If you really knew what you were talking about, you'd probably be rich by now, instead of trying to make a few bucks on a blog. I don't buy it. Sorry.
- Please don't make links open in a new window. Whether they're affiliate links, blogrolls, or just plain links. If your blog is interesting enough to grab my attention, I will return to read on after I check out your link, anyway. And if you don't have much to say to me, then at least grant me the right to surf away.
- Please don't layout your adsense scripts so that when your blog comes up, all I see is adsense. In the header, in the sidebar, on top of the posts. I guess every blogger would like to make money just by blogging, I know I would. I use adsense too, but I try not to stick it in anyone's eyes. I don't get much clicks, but I doubt you get more than I do.
- Google, please don't include private blogs in the queue for the "Next Blog" button. It's not that I'm trying to force my way into a private blog, I didn't know it was private in the first place. So I feel kind of uncomfortable when I click next and I'm anounced that this is a private blog and that I'm not authorized to read it.
- LookUpLive.com, please don't launch a million Blogger accounts that refresh to your site. Please oh please, for fuck's sake please, find some other way to get users. I don't want to search for xanax, viagra, phentermine, or any other shit you might have up your ass. And to tell the truth, if I did want to search for them, I'd go to Google, not you.
Update 1: Damien has presented 2 more great tips:
11. Write for writing's sake. Not just to get clicks on your ads. That's what a blog is (should be) about, anyway. If you can both communicate your unique personality, and also make money during the process, that's just great. If not, try sticking to the former one, rather than the latter.
12. Link to my blog. =P
Update 2: Here's another one from meself:
13. Mouse cursor changing into crosshair. Just why? Am I supposed to shoot something or what?
Update 3: Dear bestestblogofalltime, it's kinda tough to break this to you, but you're actually the worsest.. Please read above about lookuplive.com, for they also apply to you.
Update 4: Blogs that consist of only one post, lots of adsense, and has this exact theme:

These are quite common lately, which are probably launched by the same person/people.. And they're soo tasteless..
Perfectly true :) Even though I'm not so much a "Next Blog" user.
I used to click on that Next Blog icon, but then I landed on foreign blogs in which I didn't understand anything. So I kind of gave up, I prefer going through links.
Just a question : what is adsense ? are they those Google ads ?
Right, the google ads..
I just love to hop through with "Next Blog". Actually it's true that mostly you land up on a, well, boring (the least offensive word I could come up with) blogs.. But if you persist, there are cool blogs out there, and if you're lucky you get to find them.
Yes. And if I might add . . .
1. Write for writing's sake, not to click pennies on your Google adsense.
2. Link to my blog of course :)
Hi Damien,
Thanks for the tips, I've included them in the post now.
Well, sure seems like I have the perfect blog. :D =P
I know
Funny post..
wow....if I didn't know better, I would say that I plagiarized you on this post!
I did a post, in letter form, that lists a lot of the same complaints.
Now, I don't feel so "original." :-(
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